Tag Archives: sock monkey press

BOOK RELEASE: “Still Something Rattles” by Terence Degnan

Join us for the release of Terence Degnan's "Still Something Rattles"

Join us for the release of Terence Degnan’s “Still Something Rattles”

WHAT: Sock Monkey Press Book Launch for Terence Degnan’s “Still Something Rattles”
WHEN: September 25th, 2016, 8PM
WHERE: Jalopy Theatre, (https://www.jalopy.biz/)
315 Columbia Street, Red Hook, Brooklyn, NY 11231
WITH: Special Musical Guests Amelia Robinson, Brett Saxon, and Photoplay
& Collage Artist Morgan Jesse Lappin

“There are poems that rattle you and poems that soothe you, poems that scare you
and poems that save you. In his lucid new collection, Terence Degnan offers us all of
these kinds of poems. In a grammar that mirrors the pain—and ease!–of being, Degnan settles us and then unsettles us only to settle us again. Full, satisfying, and ultimately
redeeming, Degnan reminds us not only what poetry can do but what it must do.”
                                                                                       – Nicole Callihan Author of SuperLoop
“Terence Degnan’s collection, Still Something Rattles is an examination of mortality and causality and the ways in which they intertwine. These poems investigate the subtle links between our banal, everyday lives and the impact they inevitably have on those around us. There’s a logic here that’s nimble and has a light touch, which can blame the kidneys for failing to satisfactorily deal with a ninth beer, but also bear witness to the butterfly effect at work in the fallout of broken lightbulbs halfway around the world (in relation to) the moment a local boy falls in love. Every bar needs a bard, and Terence happens to be ours.”
                                                  – Scott Stubbs, Proprietor of Mission Dolores Bar, Brooklyn, NY
“Great poetry has a sense of humor, a deep love for the world, and a go for broke in
the moment understanding of mortality. Terence Degnan’s poetry fulfills all of these
delirious requirements. The language crackles, sparks and flies when you read it out
loud. So please, read Still Something Rattles aloud to your loved ones. It is a gift.”
                                                                            – Erin Courtney, Playwright, A Map of Virtue